
On my facebook posts and in my I AM series I refer often to, how I always listen to my Angels, how they guide me to do things, etc. Not surprisingly, I get lots of questions asked in return about how I started to communicate with my Angels. It started approximately first part of 2015, through the ever so gorgeous Doreen Virtue, she had several books, videos, and other materials on this subject! I got introduced to her by a very dear friend, James. 

I read a lot about her, what she does and how she does things, as well as follow her on FB, however, it was her Angel Numbers 101 book that really started me on the journey of communicating with my Angels. In recent times Doreen stopped working with her Angels, but I continue to communicate with mine.

I started seeing the same numbers such as 11:11, or 22:22 or 333, 222, etc. on clocks, speedos in the car, car number plates, or I flip a book open on a page with these same numbers and other places and I started seeing a pattern, that they all happened very soon after I would ask a question from the Universe. So, started asking around amongst my friends if anyone knew what they might mean, if anything? A nice friend, soon told me to get this book and look up the numbers for their meanings as it’s probably my Angels who are attempting to communicate with me. Of course, as you do, when someone just tells you that you have Angels wanting to communicate with you, I freaked out. Even more so, as I was also told that my Angels are with me all the time.

I thought…hold on, there are Angels around me all the time? I don’t want them to see me use the bathroom, or have showers, etc… 🙂 however, I was quickly reassured that the Angels are not able to see anything it is their energy that surrounds us. So, I was okay after that and over time, I became great friends with them.

Together with my many friends, my Angels also guided me through what otherwise would have been very stressful situation involving my divorce. My Angels and I are connected now and I keep asking for their guidance. They always help me to get to my next step with whatever I’m doing.

In fact, one night I asked them what they would think I could do that I am really good at and if I created something I’m good at, other people would also like and I could help people with my creations. It was one of my Angels who suggested to start making artwork a very specific way. It sounded very strange, but I went along with it. Which then evolved into, me ‘playing’ around with it all, writing my daily Affirmations on my artwork, first only for my own use, but then it was suggested I’d start sharing with my friends on FB and then it all evolved into the I AM Series that it is now. Each step came from my Angels guiding me, step by step what to do and I was always only given enough info that would take me to the next small step. It is so very exciting as I know the possibilities are now endless. Those emails have now been turned into a book series and the first one published 10 January 2019, became an International Best- Selling one.

Born To Ask And Receive

To purchase your copy, simply follow this link

To start listening to your Angels, pay attention to your thoughts when you see any repetitive numbers. Have you just recently asked for something specific, help with anything? What surrounds you when you see those numbers? Did you get a sudden urge to make a phone call or check your emails, or read a specific book? Anything you feel your instinct guiding you towards, do that. Your Angels first start communicating with you through these numbers, or coins you find or feathers at your feet. Anything that is out of the ‘ordinary’ so they can let yo know they are there. They can ‘simply’ appear when you are going through difficult times and you have no  idea what step to take next. They send you people to help you, set up circumstances where you gain more knowledge about what is your next step, help you with more clarity.

Always listen to your intuition and try not to over think any of it. Just go with the flow. It can be tricky to do that first but the more you practice the better you get at it, same as driving a car, or brushing your teeth or anything that is second nature t you now after lots of practice.

Remember, Angels can only help you if you ask them for help, so make sure you do! Asking for help is a sign of your strength, that knowing that you deserve to have friends who love you and support you and a beautiful life!

So, there must be a reason why you read this far on this blog. Perhaps you have been feeling that you are getting ‘messages’ also, through seeing similar numbers I’ve mentioned above. If you would like to develop your communication skills with your Angels, as they may be wanting to communicate to you, simply do a search on the internet for Doreen’s book and purchase one from where it’s most convenient for you.

To invest in yourself with investing in my book, simply follow this link .

If you have any questions, you can always find me on FB or through the Contact page.

Create a fantastic day!
