About Cindy

Often times, we find it super easy to love and appreciate others, to show them care, to be there for them and to say encouraging words to them but we fail to deal likewise with the people staring right back at us in the mirror. For some of us, the relationship we have with ourselves isn’t one of hatred but that of inadequate love while others can’t find it in themselves to love themselves wholly and in an undiluted way.

Are you struggling with a lack of self-love, self-image issues, emotional or physical abuse or the endless and unquenchable need to have other people’s approval? If this is your story, you aren’t alone. Thousands and millions of people struggle with these… I also did too.

Who Am I?

I am Cindy, a woman who knows she is enough, as well as a stay at home mum, home educator to my children since 2008, mother of 4 amazing children, partner of 1 amazing man, artist and a best seller book author, living in beautiful Brisbane, Australia and madly in love with myself (not in a proud way… but you get what I mean) – two of my four children have grown up and are amazing young ladies and two of my children are still at school age.

Although I am now happy within myself, life was not always this happy. Been married twice before and both marriages ended. After my second marriage ended 2014, instead of rebuilding my life, I decided to build a brand new life, …but first I had to find and get to know the Cindy who was just bursting to come alive!

Through this process of learning to love me more and building a brand new life, I have found myself in a world that has been nothing short of what I call, one miracle after another. I have been honoured to have made so many new, amazing friends, step-by-step they stuck by me, were honest with me and many times told me what I had to hear in order to move forward, and not what I wanted to hear and I have found ‘me’. I haven’t followed all the guidance I was given, only the ones I felt I was ready for at the time, although some of them I found myself out of my comfort zone I did push myself just that little extra to try new things! I figured, only by doing things differently to what I knew, will I get a new life! Now, I think I could travel all around the World and I would always have someone to catch up with for a coffee or even find a place to stay at! I know our home is always open to any one of them when they travel to our part of the world. Life is now a huge, incredible adventure, of course still have my ups and downs just as everyone else, however I have developed techniques that allows me to love and sail through the downs with ease and have more and more ups! I share my experiences through what I call, the I AM Series.

About The Life Transformational Email  Series

The Transformational I AM Series can transform lives in ways you never knew were possible. It is all about attracting more positive energy into your life as well as of course finding out more about yourself.

As humans, we often draw our self-worth from interpersonal relationships. We spend a lot of time searching for people to love us, in this process, we often settle for people who treat us like less than what we are – the unique, wonderful, amazing people worthy of love. I battled with the same for many years of my life. I bring to you something that has worked for me, something that is working for others and something that will work for you, if you just apply them. The Transformational I Am Series is something I am really proud of; I know it was given to me by the Universe through my Angels as a wonderful idea to be shared with as many people as possible. I have struggled with ‘getting’ affirmation work for me, and over time I recognised a pattern of what I could be doing different, and as soon as I changed those patterns, things started to shift in the opposite direction.

My Angels have helped me to turn these series into a series of books, with the 1st one in the series published 10 January 2019.

Within a few days, Born To Ask and Receive  has become a Best Seller! You can read more about it Here.

Appreciate Life

I believe, by appreciating everything even when it seems impossible, plus loving yourself, gives you a feeling of Abundance. In turn, that gives you more people, experiences, things to appreciate which in turn gives you more confidence….and it goes on and on in a magical circle of creating more and more abundance!

My Charitable Projects

I have a huge dream which my Angels and God are helping me with to create into existence. With right timing I will release more information.

I am so excited to start this journey with you!