How, participating in a challenge, affects what we attract into our lives

Our Words Creates Thoughts, Thoughts Creates Beliefs, Beliefs Creates Our Feelings and Our Feelings Creates Energy and that Energy Creates Our Reality

Today’s word is ‘Challenge’

I’ve had an ‘aha‘ moment today, I Appreciate this awakening. I Appreciate my life so far as it helped me become the person that I AM today. I Appreciate a more free flowing life lately. I Appreciate the Internet so I can share this with you.

I see many people using the word ‘challenge’ or ‘let’s do this challenge’ and today, when I saw it being used in a new challenge starting in one of the FB group I am a member of attached to something that is all about ease and happiness, as usual, I’ve had an uneasy feeling about the word ‘challenge’ and all of a sudden, it all just made total sense why I used to have so many challenges in my life in the past to overcome and why I have been challenge free lately.

I know, that people use this word with good intent and is seen by many as a positive word as we link it with comments such as … I overcame all my past challenges, let’s do this challenge as it will be fun when you can overcome obstacles you will know just how strong you are, etc…however, I believe, that word can inadvertently create a subconscious negative effect that keeps us away from the very things we’d prefer in our lives and creates unnecessary unwanted events that requires sorting out.

My Angels guided me through this following process of explanation….

The definition of challenge by the Cambridge dictionary is *:


  1. “(the situation of being faced with) something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person’s ability.”


  1. “To invite someone to compete or take part, especially in a game or argument”

The definition of challenge by the Oxford dictionary is **:


  1. “A call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength”
  2. “A call to prove or justify something”


  1. “Dispute the truth or validity of”
  2. “Invite (someone) to engage in a contest”

Neither of which has anything to do with ease, or being in the happy now; they are all to do with resistance and fights and working against ourselves and each other, etc. We cannot be in a an appreciative state while we are fighting, whether that fight is conscious, unconscious or subconscious. When I speak about appreciation, it is about being nice, and feel good, expressing wonderful feelings and about recognising the beauty of what we have, in our now.

You see, our life’s purpose is to feel joy, passion with ease. Anything that requires effort, cannot be ease…and anything that is not easy, carries some type of negative energy and negative energy only attract more negative energy.

Whenever there is an effort, we are creating the opposite of ease and by the fact that we are forcing things to come into or stay in our lives, we are actually pushing those things away that we prefer.

You may feel on top of the world for a short while, while you are participating and even finishing a particular challenge because of adrenaline running high temporarily, however by being in a challenge your energy levels on a subconscious levels are matching the vibration of that word ‘challenge’ and the actions associated with it, you keep forcing things and you keep wanting to overcome things. Even if you don’t think about it, the energy of that word carries you into that negative flow of events of more challenges to come…and by the natural law of attraction you do attract more and more challenges into your life, which means you constantly have to overcome things throughout your general life.

You also run the possibility of coming from a very low emotional state to a very high, way too fast as you are pushing through the challenge. Whether it’s a challenge to compete against others or a challenge of seeing how much more you can achieve than ever before. It’s not a natural state to jump high from a very low emotional state in a few days or hours when we are working on our emotional energy being raised. When someone does that, I believe, it’s actually doing more harm than good. I believe that, as the energy around that desire of so much wanting to be on the high but our emotional state is really not there yet, means there is even more resistance introduced, so that high is usually not maintainable for an extended period of time and when you fall, which is my belief that if someone does that, they will, that fall can be very deep and that person will not just starting all over but starting from an ever lower emotional state tan where they were before. How do I know? I did it many times in the past. The way I have changed all that was by growing my emotional strength in steps, taking it slowly, step by step, giving myself time to get used to each step as I climbed the emotional scale, so the energy around me can grow gradually at a maintainable level.

I used to do challenges, I often laughed about it and used to say I love challenges as usually I was good at finishing them, and guess what? My life was nothing but one challenge to overcome after the next.

So, when we prefer to attract positive energy into our lives, we cannot do that by emitting negative energy, whether it is on the conscious or subconscious level.

We can, however attract positive energy when we become okay and happy about our current situation, and when we ease into our now and ease into things, when there is a constant free flow of events, ideas…when everything comes easy and when we go with flow. Kind of like white when I used to kenu-ing…I struggled as I was paddling towards the current, but I was going very fast and with ease when I allowed the water current to take me.

You can generate more positive energy by 20 minutes of imagining and writing down all the things you prefer as if you already have them, and how you feel about yourself, how you can be gentle to yourself and look after yourself just the same as you’d take care of a good friend, and then simply have fun and not actually do any hard work but just do all the fun things presented to you, opposed to, 20 hours of hard physical work that you do in order to get whatever it is that you prefer.

Reflecting back on it, everything changed, when I stopped saying that I love challenges and when I stopped participating in challenges. In fact during the last one I did, I have had so many other challenges come at me to overcome, life has become overwhelming at that time.

However, when I started to simply ease into and became happy about whatever was happening in my now, regardless of what I look like or feel like, when I became honest with me, about me, when, rather than trying to please anyone or trying to prove to anyone who I am or how strong I can become, but instead, I now do things for the pure enjoyment of doing things, for me, etc…, when I cut out of the equasion how anyone else feels about what I do or don’t do, when I stopped listening to expectations put on me or simply by imagined by me, things are changing for the better. It wasn’t something that just happened from one day to the next, it is something I eased into over time by doing small, repetitive things to get me used to that nice, easy feeling. It is something I can now maintain.

It is soooo much more fun to just simply have fun with everything you do and let the Universe guide you, rather than you or anyone else challenging you. You are capable of change if you really are ready for it. Be patient and kind to yourself throughout this process. You can still find out how strong you are, even without participating in challenges, as, when you allow the natural flow of events and ideas to come to you, you get to do many things you couldn’t do before and most of them are going to be things you cannot even dream up yet that you would like to do.


Sources for dictionary meanings:



